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Jazz Band

MUS 1611, 1612

Grade Levels:09, 10, 11, 12
Course Length:2 Semesters
Credits:0.5 per semester
Prerequisites: Enrollment in regular performing ensemble and director's approval
Subject:Instrumental Music

Jazz Band is a zero period course that is open to all students who are currently enrolled in any performing ensemble at Fergus High School. Instrumentation typically follows the standard big band format: five saxophones, five trumpets, five trombones, and jazz rhythm instruments (piano, bass, and drums). If an excessive number of players show an interest in one particular instrument, auditions may be held to maintain instrumentation integrity. Rehearsals will concentrate on stylistic playing, including swing, Latin, rock, and funk with an emphasis on improvisation and improving general musicianship. The band will perform at all major concerts and festivals. Auditions may be held if interest exceeds available positions.