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Problems of American Democracy

SS 4311, 4312

Grade Levels:12
Course Length:2 Semesters
Credits:0.5 per semester
Prerequisites:Senior class enrollment
Subject:Social Studies
Required Course

Students will learn about the structure and operation of the U.S. Government today, including how our government is affected by and interacts with individuals, states, and its other branches. The role of political parties, interest groups, and the media in these processes will also be considered. Further, students will analyze America’s role as a significant force in the world today, as we influence, and are influenced by, nations and peoples from around the globe. These studies will allow students to understand the concepts of federalism, separation of powers, comparative government, political processes, and global perspectives. In addition, students will gain an understanding of the role civil rights and liberties, cultural pluralism, civic participation, and checks and balances play in our system of governance. All of these concepts will be tied to current relevant issues, encouraging students to discover their own political ideologies as they learn of the foundations and operation of our nation.