Welcome to the website for the Fergus of Lewistown FFA Alumni Mechanics Competition. This year our contest will be centered on the categories and skills of the current year's National Agricultural Mechanics curriculum. This year's competition will be held on Saturday, January 27th, 2024, at Fergus High School.
This will be the 37th year of the Fergus FFA Alumni's sponsorship of the Mechanics Contest here in Lewistown. We are indebted to our Alumni's drive and dedication in making these contests successful year in and year out. We are also indebted to each participating chapter and their members.
Our Mechanics Contest will have competitions for both the senior and junior divisions. This year’s contest will NOT have a team problem. Awards and prizes will be provided for top team scores and top individual scores in both divisions. Team scores will be determined from the sum of the top three individual scores of each team of four members as designated at registration.
Contest categories for this year’s competition will be comparable to the state mechanics contest and will include tests in the following categories: arc welding, carpentry, electrical (service entrance panels), equipment, hydraulics, small engines (valve train disassembly), plumbing, general test, tool identification, and a hands-on critical thinking section.
Chapter Advisers are reminded that the Junior Division is only for first year participants in the freshmen class or seventh and eighth grade students.
Use the registration links to the right (when active) to submit your Mechanics Contest registration information and individual participants by January 24th. THE CONTEST IS LIMITED so make sure your registration information is accurate. If you are an Advisor that had changes in your registration please email potential changes ASAP and plan on being to registration EARLY to double check your registration.
Mechanics contest chairperson: Jordan Stilson
Cell: 406-366-5748 (call or text)
Contest email: stilson.jordan@gmail.com
2024 Contest Dates & Starting Times:
Mechanics Contest - January 27th, 2024; Pre-Registration Starts Online January 10th and ends the 23rd or when capacity of a 170 students is met; Registration in the FHS Lobby from 6:30 to 7:25 a.m.; Contest Introduction in the Fergus Center at 7:30 a.m.