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Welcome to the FHS Business Professionals of America information page!

We hope the information you find here is useful and you come back for future changes.

Advisor: Ms. Lewis

What is BPA?

Business Professionals of America is a national student organization composed of state associations and local chapters serving persons pursuing careers in business and office occupations as well as former members. This organization provides the opportunity for the development of leadership skills, personal and professional growth, and career related competencies. Involvement in Business Professionals of America will enhance social awareness, civic responsibility, and an understanding of the business community.

BPA Mission Statement

The mission of Business Professionals of America is to contribute to the preparation of a world-class workforce through the advancement of leadership, citizenship, academic and technological skills.


BPA Vision Statement

Business Professionals of America will be a cohesive agent in the worldwide networking of education, business and industry. Business Professionals of America will be the leading student organization in preparing a world-class workforce. Business Professionals of America will be a standard of excellence for vocational student organizations.